How is stormwater and flooding managed in Scott County? We need your help in finding out!

Have you recently installed a rain garden on your property?  Do you have grassed waterways or saturated buffers on your farm?  Does your city plant native grasses in public areas to reduce erosion?  We want to know about it!

PSCW is working on creating an online database of stormwater BMPs (Best Management Practices) in Scott County, where people can go to locate cool water quality improvement projects in the county.  Visitors to the site will be able to see a map of the BMPs, along with a photo and short description of what it does to improve our watersheds. (Note: PSCW will not publish the exact location of those BMPs on private property without permission from the landowner). There are so many things that we can do to reduce the amount of runoff on our properties, improve how our soil absorbs rainwater, and filter that water before it re-enters our watersheds.  The goal of this site is to inform the public of these practices with the hope of inspiring others to do the same.

We are interested in hearing about any of the following practices being implemented in Scott County.  Please email [email protected] or call 563-336-3378 to let us know about them.  These practices are found in both urban and rural settings. We appreciate your help in creating this publicly accessible tool for our citizens!